Thursday, July 26, 2012

Some interesting facts...about money.

I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty proud of my uptight, money-saving self. I'm a strict budgeter. And by strict, I mean that I detail each penny we spend on a spreadsheet (usually on a daily basis). I only allow a specific amount to be spend each month (which isn't very much) and once we've reached that amount, we can't go over. Thankfully, this has allowed Josh and I to save quite a bit through the years.

All that to say, I've been spending 1/4 of the amount we spent on food before Josh deployed. 1/4 people!! Either my husband is a man and eats a lot, it's definitely that he's a man. :) I'm hoping to be better at planning out meals and making lunches every day so that we can save even more when Josh returns. I'll admit, I don't have a lot of patience for food shopping or meal planning (and especially for cooking), but I'll do it if it means our monthly numbers will go down.

In other news, I hurt my IT band while running and now I'm a frustrated, sad runner. I want to run this marathon so bad, but my injury might prevent me from doing this. I just made an appointment with a physical therapist so hopefully this can be taken care of soon!

Friday, July 6, 2012

A little bragging

I think I'm entitled to some bragging every once in a  while (especially when it involves my husband). Josh went to the board the other day and PASSSED! He will now get promoted SSG. I'm so proud of him. He's such a hard worker. His sister said something in a text she sent me which is so true. Josh is the best at everything he is passionate about. If he knows what he wants, he does what he needs to do to get it. I'm so proud of how successful he has been and what an amazing soldier he is.

Ok, maybe I shouldn't brag about this until I've actually done it...BUT I'm getting up and doing a 15 mile run tomorrow morning. YIKES! What have I gotten myself into?!