Friday, August 31, 2012

Catching Up

My life has FINALLY slowed down (just a bit). I finished two classes and have a few weeks before my next ones start up. It wasn't until I started freaking out about possibly getting a B in one of my classes that I realized how much of a perfectionist I have become. This is bad...really, really bad. Thankfully I'm still on my all A's streak and am a happy girl. Trust me, I don't pull out my hair and stress over nothing!

So I've decided (while I have a mini break) that this is as good of a time as any do do a little catching up on the last month and a half. So get ready for some very random posting...

In July, Naomi and I got up super early one Saturday morning and hiked the Incline. I'm very proud of how fast Naomi was able to climb it. This Incline is by no means easy!

on our way up

we made it!

hiking down

We also did a mud run a few days after. Naomi was looking to get muddy and still didn't come out as dirty as she had hoped. Still, it was a fun experience!

And last...but not least, my little brother's wedding. Sam and Karen were married on August 4th.  It was a beautiful wedding and I'm excited to add such a lovely sister to the family.

all the siblings

wedding party


Friday, August 17, 2012

In over my head...and smiling

So I had this genius idea of staying busy while Josh was deployed for nine months. Five and a half months later, I'm barely breathing...but I'm alive! I signed up for 6 masters classes, two half marathons, and one I work full time. Next week, I will be done with five of these classes and one half marathon. My second half is on Labor Day and my full is September 22nd. I can not wait to have a life again! I enjoy being busy, but I don't enjoy being so busy that I'm stressed, tired, stressed, grumpy, stressed, and overwhelmed...did I mention that I'm stressed?

I promise to blog about my little brother's beautiful wedding and my mud run soon!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Some more random facts...

Random FACTS:

Colorado is the skinniest state in the US. *high-five*

The date on your calendar won’t move to a later date no matter how many times you look at it during the day. *sad face*

According to Billy Currington, beer is good and people are crazy. I agree. Just don’t drink too much beer because then you’ll be one of those crazy people.

I would like to sit here and write more random facts in order to avoid all my adult responsibilities, but I think this is enough randomness for the day.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Romans 12:12

Today I've spent a lot of time dwelling on God's plan for each of our lives. Two soldiers (who Josh knew) were killed yesterday. As I've said in the past, this happens on almost a daily basis, but it hits a little closer to home when Josh served along side these guys.

My heart hurts so much for the families of these men, but especially for the wives and children. I always breath a huge sigh of relief when I find out that Josh is safe, but at the same time, I feel a sense of guilt. Why do these families have to go through this unimaginable grief when I have the privilege of hearing my husband's voice or seeing his face on Skype? I wonder why God would take these men who are often an image of what a true man should be...who portray honor, strength, and have morals.

I also think about how these soldiers are honored. Yes, their families and friends honor them, but does it really go beyond that? When was the last time these men made the news or got the recognition that they deserve? They go into the battlefield knowing full well that it could be their last day—yet they do it day after day to protect our country. They have a loyalty and love for our country that is lost amongst most today. It saddens me that these soldiers are not gaining the respect and admiration that they deserve.

I've shed tears for these women who have lost husbands. I hurt for them...even though I don't truly know the pain they feel. 

One of my favorite verses and one that always gets me through deployment is “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12).