Friday, October 19, 2012

Tips, Tricks, and Remedies That I Swear By

Thanks to my newfound obsession with Pinterest, I've found some amazing, natural, homemade remedies for just about everything. My husband likes to call me a hippy. I object to that. There is absolutely nothing wrong with hippies (especially since they seem to run in my family), but I'm just not one. I do love healthy, natural living though. With that said, I'd like to share some of my newfound joys!

I am IN LOVE with coconut oil. This is currently the brand I use but you can get a jar at Wal-Mart for $10.

I mainly use coconut oil for a conditioning treatment but have also used it as a moisturizer. I also give a little bit to Zoey which gives her a shiny coat. It's great used as a replacement for butter and much healthier. There are a TON of wonderful uses for coconut oil. I love using it as a conditioning treatment. I have started to put it in my hair at night and sleep with a towel in my hair in order to avoid greasy pillow cases. Thoroughly wash out all the coconut oil (sometimes I have to shampoo twice) and your hair will feel amazing!

Here's a website with a list of great coconut oil uses:

I've also started rinsing my mouth out with hydrogen peroxide. This is supposed to be a natural whitener for your teeth and I've started to notice a difference. Yay! Believe it or not, hydrogen peroxide doesn't taste bad. Give it a try :).

Very recently, I've decided to try washing my face with a baking soda/milk mixture. It's too early to notice a change yet, but it feels wonderful when cleansing. After the baking soda mixture, I rinse and wipe my face down with a cotton swab dipped in apple cider vinegar. This smells awful...but hopefully is worth it. I'll keep you updated! I've always had issues with acne so I'm hoping to find something that helps me. Side note, I recently read that women often break out around the jaw when they're ovulating. The side that you break out is the side that you're ovulating...which makes total since. I've been paying attention to this and it seems to be true!

Lastly, I love vinegar and baking soda as placements for all cleaning supplies. My favorite mixture is vinegar and dawn soap to clean my bathtub. Spray it on your bathtub, let it sit a few minutes, and then wipe it off. The soap scum comes right off! It's pretty amazing.

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