Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Latest Update

I don't really know how to feel today....excited or disappointed. Maybe I'm a little of both. We got news that only one embryo made it. The next step is sending this embryo off for testing to make sure it's good. We'll get news in 5-10 days. I'm terrified that this won't work...but at the same time hear a constant voice in my head saying, "just have faith." I know that God has a plan. And maybe that plan is not for us to have biological children. But maybe it is. Maybe this one embryo is our child.

We put a lot on the line for this...$20,000 to be exact. My goal for the next 5-10 days is to remain as positive as possible. And to trust that God's plan is better than my plan.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing. Faith in a storm. It's so hard. Cling to Jesus! I'm praying!
