Sunday, April 26, 2015

New Beginnings

We're now in Alabama! I'm not sure if I should have put an exclamation point after that. It's more like, we're now in Alabama...

No, just kidding. I'm actually liking it so far. I really think that you can grow to like any...ok most...places if you have a good attitude about it. Obviously, I didn't expect Alabama to be Colorado, but I am looking for things that set Alabama apart from Colorado. It's so green and there are so many trees, which is a beautiful scenery change from Colorado. We like our house on Post too. It's smaller but it's actually been kind of freeing to get rid of materialistic items.

My favorite part is all the running trails on post. My least favorite part is coming home from a run drenched in sweat. This NEVER happened to me in Colorado Springs. Josh and I also signed up for a 10 miler next weekend. We haven't trained for this so hopefully this wasn't a terrible idea.

Another positive to living here is that we're only 1.5 hours away from the closest beach.  And we're only 2 hours away from Sam and Karen (brother and sister in law) who live in Pensacola. This weekend we spent a day and a half with Sam and Karen checking out the dog beach, grilling at the park, visiting the beach and Flora Bama, and buying delicious sea food and cooking it.

Jax decided he did not like the water...

 Hanging with Zoey on our patio
 Drove through Duck Dynasty's town...but too tired to stop
 Visiting Jared, Mindy, and Avery in Texas
 Driving with this cutie pie
 Hanging out with Jared and Mindy
 Josh and Sam swam in their cargo shorts
 Jax and I on the beach

Thursday, April 9, 2015

When Things Don't Go Your Way

2015 has been rough so far. From our failed IVF, to moving away from our beloved Colorado, to a 6500 car issue, to a buyer backing out of our house......I feel like we're being tested. I know this is life and this is how things go but I don't understand why things have been so difficult lately. It's rough...especially since we want to adopt but it feels like things keep getting in our way. It's hard not to feel sorry for myself right now. I've told God numerous times, "Ok, God, I trust You that everything will work out." And I do. But dang it, I just want things to go a little smoother! We move across the country to Alabama next week and I'm really hoping this will provide a clean slate for us. They say "Sweet Home Alabama"....I sure hope I feel that way when we get there :).